Tuesday, April 27, 2010


a trip to the end of the line, on the northern most outskirts, porte de clignancourt, is last station on metro 4 then a short walk to marchés aux puces, billed as the largest flea market in the world with hundreds of stalls, selling jewelry, books, furniture old cutlery, in fact anything old, plus all the usual tat a la Paddy's, bought a half full bottle of perfume for the bottle and the scent which reminded me a an old fave i can no longer buy

Then walked back via montmartre, one of the most diverse and dodgier parts of Paris, got into trouble taking pictures, i figure there must be heaps of illegal immigrants, actually had to delete a couple of photos on demand.
I walked away
quickly in a little bit of fear from a butchery cause the guy was soooo angry, and it was just a shot of normal trading. by passed sacre couer, but saw some poor sloggers walking up the hill driven by a total sarge-major. Other things caught my eye....TATI not the lovebale Jacques, but a marriage shop??

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